I understand I am entering my name for a drawing to win a 20 minute virtual reel consultation with Tara Treacy, CSA. This is not a promise of employment.
If I win, I agree to not discuss employment during my consultation.
1 entry per actor, actors under 13 must have parents enter on their behalf and parent must also attend consultation. Deadline to enter is 11:59 PM PST March 24, 2022.
No purchase necessary to enter or to win.
Julie Dove d/b/a ActorEditing.com will not collect your information for future use. You are not signing up for any mailing list and your information is not being shared.
Name will be selected by online name selection software on Friday, March 25th and winner name will be announced on @actorediting Instagram account at 12PM PT on that same day. Your entry into this contest allows us to post your name and photo on our @actorediting Instagram account if you win.
Thank you for entering. For questions or a copy of these rules email juliedove@juliedove.com